
The Eagle's Eye

Impact of Music on the Mind

Written by Addison Teschner
Photo taken by Brooke Fulmer
Edited by Sasha Richard
December 27th, 2024

A brain connected to headphones

Just about everyone of any background or culture enjoys music. From ancient civilizations to modern times, music has changed and expanded. Yet, at its base, it’s music, “an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions.” To begin, the question “why do we even like music” is a fascinating thought that has many answers and many intricacies, like humans.

Preferred music, no matter the type, affects the brain in significant ways; this type connects a brain circuit responsible for “internally-focused thoughts,” meaning that a person listening to their favorite genre can help them focus and think clearer than without. This is also true for favorite songs, they can improve emotions and memory in some cases. Music commonly makes a person connect the lyrics or melody to personal experiences, affecting the emotional state of the listener. Music is also claimed to “reduce stress, pain and symptoms of depression as well as improving cognitive and motor skills, spatial-temporal learning and neurogenesis, which is the brain’s ability to produce neurons.”

In my personal experience, I whole-heartedly agree that, at least my preferred music makes me feel less anxious and more focused whenever listening. For example, my favorite artist is Adrianne Lenker, I can confidently say I listen to her daily. She makes me feel serene and peaceful in any situation. I feel as if I can listen to her when working, sleeping, or any other situation in general. She, overall, improves my mood and disposition, making me feel like a better person than without her. She gets me motivated and assists me in my productivity, greatly.

Another amazing artist is Mitski. The lyrics she incorporates into her songs makes me feel understood. Though the music often takes a depressing note in most cases, I like how the artist expresses emotions through music, even if they are not happy and sometimes are quite melancholy, they are still just as seen and I feel seen through the lyricism. I also enjoy how not only are the instrumentals perfect for every song, but also how the overall sound seems to exactly reflect what I am feeling. Some of the lyrics speak to me better than I ever could to myself. Mitski’s music allows inner reflection for me personally, and the lyrics make me feel like my emotions and thoughts are being read out to me through music. It helps me connect with my deeper emotions, which provides a comfort somehow. The expressiveness of her music truly is one of a kind.